This project provided me with comprehensive experience in the editing and publishing process, from digital design to the final printed product. In this project, I explored the ‘Fair, Baby Face, And Slender’ aesthetic, which has led to increasingly smaller clothing sizes. The book talks about the societal expectations driving this aesthetic trend and highlights stories of individuals harming their bodies to meet these standards. It also addresses the concept of beauty labour, advocating for the acceptance of diverse beauty standards without compromising health.
Throughout the project, I experimented with various layout techniques to balance visual appeal and readability, which was a significant challenge. In the book design, I employed two different illustration styles to add more interest for readers.
For the printing, I used risography for the cover. I love the RGB colours produced by risography. I used the school’s print-finishing resources for perfect-binding, a binding method I tried for the first time. The handmade perfect-binding can open completely, which I found fascinating and ultimately chose for showcasing my book.
I also incorporated interactive elements into the final product, allowing readers to engage with the shrinking sizes through playful stickers. This project taught me how to maintain a balance between readability and visual appeal, which is crucial for facilitating the reader’s experience.